How to do model fitting in Python
Curve fitting - How?¶
In this project, I will show the different libraries and methods to do curve fitting with Python. These methods differ in the way the objective function and Jacobian matrix are defined, in addition to some other capabilities.¶
For the purpose of illustrating an example, I will introduce a limb model which I have been working on during my PhD.¶
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## importing the libraries
import numpy as np
import math as m
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special
In [2]:
def Erfc(x,sigma):
y = special.erfc(x/(sigma*np.sqrt(2)))
return y
## Introducing the model to be used later for the fitting
def SL_fit(x,w1,w2,w3,s1,s2,s3):
f = 0.5*(w1*Erfc(x,s1)+w2*Erfc(x,s2)+w3*Erfc(x,s3)+ (1-w1-w2-w3))
return f
The first method we will use is via scipy.optimize.curve_fit¶
In [4]:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
In [5]:
#This is the jacobian matrx, which is the derivative of the fitting function with respect to every free parameter
def DF(x,w1,w2,w3,s1,s2,s3):
dfw1 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s1)-1)
dfw2 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s2)-1)
dfw3 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s3)-1)
dfs1 = w1*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s1**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s1**2)
dfs2 = w2*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s2**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s2**2)
dfs3 = w3*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s3**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s3**2)
return np.transpose(np.array([dfw1,dfw2,dfw3,dfs1,dfs2,dfs3]))
In [25]:
## Loading the data:
path = "/home/fatima/Desktop/project_3/"
file = np.loadtxt(path+'limb_profile_av_norm_shifted')
x = file[:,0]
y = file[:,1]
In [26]:
## plotting the data'ggplot')
plt.ylabel('Normalized intensity')
In [27]:
## For the purpose of fitting, we restrict the latter to data points located above x = 0
ind = np.where(x>=0)
x = x[ind]
y = y[ind]
weights = np.sqrt(np.abs(y)) ## Poisson weighting
In [49]:
p0=[0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 1, 2, 3] ## initial guess best-fit parameters
popt, pcov = curve_fit(SL_fit,x,y,p0,method='lm',sigma=weights,jac=DF,ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,maxfev=5000)
chi_sq = np.sum((1/weights**2)*(SL_fit(x,*popt)-y)**2)
In [54]:
print popt #to view the best fit parameters
print chi_sq
In [48]:
xnew = np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),1000)
y_fit = SL_fit(xnew,*popt)
In [35]:'ggplot')
plt.plot(xnew, y_fit,color='blue', label='best fit')
plt.plot(x,y,'r--', label='data')
plt.ylabel('Normalized intensity')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
The second method we will use is via scipy.optimize.least_squares . With this module, both he objective function and jacobian matrix have to be defined differently than in scipy.optimize.curve_fit :¶
In [39]:
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
In [40]:
## objective function
def Leastsquares(params, x,y,w):
w1 = params[0]
w2 = params[1]
w3 = params[2]
s1 = params[3]
s2 = params[4]
s3 = params[5]
model = 0.5*(w1*Erfc(x,s1)+w2*Erfc(x,s2)+w3*Erfc(x,s3)+(1-w1-w2-w3))
return (1/w)*(model-y)
## as you can see, in the objective function has to return the difference between the modelled data and data points
In [41]:
## jacobian matrix
def Jac(popt,x,y,w):
w1 = popt[0]
w2 = popt[1]
w3 = popt[2]
s1 = popt[3]
s2 = popt[4]
s3 = popt[5]
dfw1 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s1)-1)
dfw2 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s2)-1)
dfw3 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s3)-1)
dfs1 = w1*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s1**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s1**2)
dfs2 = w2*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s2**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s2**2)
dfs3 = w3*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s3**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s3**2)
return np.transpose(np.array(1/w)*([dfw1,dfw2,dfw3,dfs1,dfs2,dfs3]))
In [42]:
## loading the data again:
x = file[:,0]
y = file[:,1]
ind = np.where(x>=0)
x = x[ind]
y = y[ind]
weights = np.sqrt(np.abs(y)) ## Poisson weighting
In [52]:
## calling the objective function and fitting data points
res_leastsquares = least_squares(Leastsquares, p0,method='lm',jac=Jac, args=(x,y,weights),ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,max_nfev=5000)
##computing the chi-square value
chi_sq_2 = np.sum((Leastsquares(res_leastsquares.x,x,y,weights))**2)
In [53]:
## printing best-fit parameters
print res_leastsquares.x
print chi_sq_2
The THIRD method we will use is via scipy.optimize.leasq , which is pretty similar to scipy.optimize.least_squares except for the saved results format¶
In [55]:
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
In [56]:
## objective function
def Leastsq(params, x,y,w):
w1 = params[0]
w2 = params[1]
w3 = params[2]
s1 = params[3]
s2 = params[4]
s3 = params[5]
model = 0.5*(w1*Erfc(x,s1)+w2*Erfc(x,s2)+w3*Erfc(x,s3)+(1-w1-w2-w3))
return (1/w)*(model-y)
##jacobian matrix same as in leastsquares method
In [57]:
res_leastsq = leastsq(Leastsq,p0,args=(x,y,weights),Dfun=Jac,ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,maxfev=5000)
chi_sq_3 = np.sum((Leastsq(res_leastsq[0],x,y,weights))**2)
In [58]:
print res_leastsq[0]
print chi_sq_3
In [71]:
import lmfit
from lmfit import Minimizer, minimize, Parameters, report_fit
In [63]:
## defining the objective function
def residual(params, x,y,w):
w1 = params['omega1']
w2 = params['omega2']
w3 = params['omega3']
s1 = params['sigma1']
s2 = params['sigma2']
s3 = params['sigma3']
model = 0.5*(w1*Erfc(x,s1)+w2*Erfc(x,s2)+w3*Erfc(x,s3)+(1-w1-w2-w3))
return (1/w)*(y-model)
In [65]:
# using the class Parameters in which we can name the variables and assign first guess values and boundaries, if needed
params = Parameters()
params.add('omega1', value=0.3)
params.add('omega2', value=0.3)
params.add('omega3', value=0.3)
params.add('sigma1', value=1)
params.add('sigma2', value=2)
In [67]:
## fitting with lmfit via lmfit.minimize
out = lmfit.minimize(residual,params,method='leastsq',args=(x,y,weights),ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,maxfev=5000)
In [74]:
## printing output