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Monte Carlo Simulations

In [1]:
## importing the libraries
import numpy as np
import math as m
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
In [2]:
def Erfc(x,sigma):

 y = special.erfc(x/(sigma*np.sqrt(2)))
 return y

## Introducing the model to be used later for the fitting

def SL_fit(x,w1,w2,w3,s1,s2,s3):

  f = 0.5*(w1*Erfc(x,s1)+w2*Erfc(x,s2)+w3*Erfc(x,s3)+ (1-w1-w2-w3))
  return f
In [3]:
## Jacobian matrix
def DF(x,w1,w2,w3,s1,s2,s3):
 dfw1 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s1)-1)
 dfw2 = 0.5*(Erfc(x,s2)-1)
 dfw3 =  0.5*(Erfc(x,s3)-1)
 dfs1 = w1*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s1**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s1**2)
 dfs2 = w2*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s2**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s2**2)
 dfs3 = w3*x*np.exp(-x**2/(2*s3**2))/ (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*s3**2)
 return np.transpose(np.array([dfw1,dfw2,dfw3,dfs1,dfs2,dfs3]))
In [4]:
## Loading the data:
path = "/home/fatima/Desktop/project_3/"
file = np.loadtxt(path+'limb_profile_av_norm_shifted')
x = file[:,0]
y = file[:,1]
In [5]:
ind = np.where(x>=0)
x = x[ind]
y = y[ind]
weights = np.sqrt(np.abs(y)) ## Poisson weighting
In [6]:
p0=[0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 1, 2, 3] ## initial guess best-fit parameters
popt, pcov = curve_fit(SL_fit,x,y,p0,method='lm',sigma=weights,jac=DF,ftol=1e-8,xtol=1e-8,maxfev=5000)
chi_sq_w = np.sum((1/weights**2)*(SL_fit(x,*popt)-y)**2)
red_chi_sq = chi_sq_w/(len(y)-len(popt))
print popt # to print the best-fit parameters
[ 0.52750103  0.28882569  0.10191755  0.25905336  0.76540583  2.83343005]
In [94]:
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
print perr ## to print the error
[ 0.00349415  0.0028457   0.00119396  0.00135734  0.00715294  0.04738134]
In [9]:
mc_pars = []
total_iterations = 10
for _ in range(total_iterations):   # i was replaced by _ here, because it was not used
        x_trial = x
        y_trial = y + np.random.normal(loc=y, scale=weights, size=y.shape)
            iteration_identifiers, _ = curve_fit(SL_fit,x_trial,y_trial,p0,method='lm')
        except (ValueError, RuntimeError):

        print iteration_identifiers
        plt.plot(x_trial, y_trial)
[ 0.31340342  0.31363243  0.21164169  0.52898839  1.80269277  1.80271224]
[ 0.31885237  0.31594929  0.20553026  1.14083605  1.14115389  1.14081575]
[ 0.34207102  0.34599831  0.1371758   0.62452273  2.04366996  0.6243128 ]
[ 0.20582384  0.48394574  0.25346475  0.2518755   2.73310171  0.96326215]
[ 0.30655759  0.29281329  0.15200812  0.74734774  0.7473279   0.74721024]
[ 0.6408618   0.16169021  0.09391276  1.04628039  4.13653741  4.1316929 ]
In [87]:
mc_pars = np.array(mc_pars)
(666, 6)
In [90]:
print(mc_pars[:, 2].mean())
In [11]:
X = np.random.normal(loc=y, scale=weights, size=y.shape)
In [12]:
In [13]:
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f2d6291acd0>]
In [17]:
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f2d628f5ed0>]
In [3]:
import random
def f( x, p0, p1, p2):
    return p0*x + 0.4*np.sin(p1*x) + p2

def ff(x, p):
    return f(x, *p)

# These are the true parameters
p0 = 1.0
p1 = 40
p2 = 2.0

# These are initial guesses for fits:
pstart = [
    p0 + random.random(),
    p1 + 5.*random.random(), 
    p2 + random.random()

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xvals = np.linspace(0., 1, 120)
yvals = f(xvals, p0, p1, p2)
In [4]:
[1.316042402611915, 43.27641975825924, 2.72916543068528]
In [40]:
xdata = np.array(xvals)
err_stdev = 10
yvals_err =  np.random.normal(f(xdata, p0, p1, p2), err_stdev, len(xdata))
ydata = f(xdata, p0, p1, p2) + yvals_err
GAUSSIAN = (1/ (np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)*err_stdev))* np.exp(-(ydata)*(ydata)/(2.0*err_stdev**2))
In [41]:
#plt.plot(yvals_err, GAUSSIAN)
(array([  1.,   6.,  12.,  12.,  32.,  29.,  13.,   7.,   7.,   1.]),
 array([-23.67796735, -18.54075949, -13.40355162,  -8.26634376,
         -3.1291359 ,   2.00807197,   7.14527983,  12.28248769,
         17.41969556,  22.55690342,  27.69411128]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [19]:
plt.hist(f(xdata, p0, p1, p2))
(array([  8.,   9.,  13.,  16.,  20.,  14.,  15.,  10.,   9.,   6.]),
 array([ 1.71765553,  1.88414245,  2.05062937,  2.2171163 ,  2.38360322,
         2.55009015,  2.71657707,  2.88306399,  3.04955092,  3.21603784,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [20]:
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f2249f26d10>]
In [21]:
f(xdata, p0, p1, p2)
array([ 2.        ,  2.1403395 ,  2.26591185,  2.36360271,  2.42341847,
        2.43960469,  2.41129028,  2.34258492,  2.24211913,  2.12207826,
        1.99683862,  1.88135842,  1.78950351,  1.73249545,  1.71765553,
        1.74758527,  1.81987531,  1.92737503,  2.05899292,  2.200938  ,
        2.33826341,  2.45653935,  2.54346816,  2.59026076,  2.59262038,
        2.55122346,  2.47164399,  2.36372958,  2.24049927,  2.11668637,
        2.00708938,  1.92491568,  1.88030323,  1.87918593,  1.92262939,
        2.00671168,  2.12296232,  2.25931035,  2.40143536,  2.53437035,
        2.64417691,  2.71950535,  2.75286497,  2.74146251,  2.68751475,
        2.59800044,  2.48387918,  2.35886472,  2.23789005,  2.13543601,
        2.06391049,  2.03225964,  2.04496661,  2.10154969,  2.19661631,
        2.32046653,  2.46017881,  2.60105617,  2.72827127,  2.82852591,
        2.89153951,  2.91119972,  2.88624661,  2.82041365,  2.72200985,
        2.60298977,  2.47761548,  2.36086025,  2.26673264,  2.2067086 ,
        2.18844696,  2.21493224,  2.28414061,  2.38926636,  2.51948369,
        2.66115839,  2.79937385,  2.91960066,  3.00932281,  3.05943856,
        3.06527919,  3.02713153,  2.95020589,  2.84405285,  2.72149429,
        2.59718835,  2.48598871,  2.40128212,  2.35349006,  2.34890229,
        2.38897286,  2.47015737,  2.58430967,  2.71959366,  2.86180802,
        2.99597575,  3.10802049,  3.186342  ,  3.22311459,  3.21516299,
        3.16431777,  3.07721039,  2.96453106,  2.83983214,  2.71801131,
        2.61364411,  2.53935256,  2.50439241,  2.5136172 ,  2.56693499,
        2.65931865,  2.78136856,  2.92036466,  3.06169016,  3.19046753,
        3.29322374,  3.35939819,  3.38252477,  3.36095555,  3.29804526])
In [22]:
array([ 0.09934283, -0.02765286,  0.12953771,  0.30460597, -0.04683067,
       -0.04682739,  0.31584256,  0.15348695, -0.09389488,  0.10851201,
       -0.09268354, -0.09314595,  0.04839245, -0.38265605, -0.34498357,
       -0.11245751, -0.20256622,  0.06284947, -0.18160482, -0.28246074,
        0.29312975, -0.04515526,  0.01350564, -0.28494964, -0.10887654,
        0.02218452, -0.23019872,  0.0751396 , -0.12012774, -0.05833875,
       -0.12034132,  0.37045564, -0.00269944, -0.21154219,  0.16450898,
       -0.24416873,  0.04177272, -0.39193402, -0.26563721,  0.03937225,
        0.14769332,  0.03427366, -0.02312966, -0.06022074, -0.2957044 ,
       -0.14396884, -0.09212775,  0.21142445,  0.06872366, -0.35260803,
        0.06481679, -0.07701646, -0.1353844 ,  0.12233526,  0.2061999 ,
        0.18625602, -0.1678435 , -0.06184248,  0.06625269,  0.19510903,
       -0.09583485, -0.0371318 , -0.22126699, -0.23924132,  0.16250516,
        0.27124801, -0.01440202,  0.20070658,  0.07232721, -0.12902395,
        0.07227912,  0.30760731, -0.00716521,  0.31292873, -0.52394902,
        0.1643805 ,  0.01740941, -0.05980147,  0.01835216, -0.39751378,
       -0.04393438,  0.07142251,  0.29557881, -0.10365404, -0.16169872,
       -0.10035141,  0.18308042,  0.06575022, -0.10595204,  0.10265349,
        0.01941551,  0.193729  , -0.14041062, -0.06553243, -0.07842163,
       -0.29270299,  0.05922406,  0.05221105,  0.00102269, -0.04691743,
       -0.28307415, -0.08412906, -0.0685429 , -0.16045545, -0.03225714,
        0.08081017,  0.37723718,  0.03491556,  0.05151008, -0.01488918,
       -0.38375424, -0.00530278,  0.01204604,  0.49264842, -0.03847219,
        0.06030947, -0.00694235, -0.23373561,  0.22856456,  0.15038661])
In [23]:
(array([  2.,   6.,  11.,  13.,  23.,  26.,  21.,   6.,   9.,   3.]),
 array([ 1.3498394 ,  1.57380747,  1.79777555,  2.02174362,  2.24571169,
         2.46967976,  2.69364783,  2.9176159 ,  3.14158397,  3.36555204,
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)
In [ ]: